Monday, January 02, 2006

I said something last night to the effect that I would have laughed in my own face could I have described the events of the second half of December to myself in advance.

I spent my New Year's Day hiking Camel's Hump, to a summit that was bitterly cold, ice-encrusted, and completely devoid of views...and then slid down a third of the mountain using my nylon pants as a sled. It was the most fun I've ever had on a mountain, I think, sweat and bruises aside.

Sweat, bruises, adrenaline and laughter. Let's hope it's an omen for 2006. I hope everyone else's started in at least roughly similar fashion.

Back to work.

1 comment:

شيخ الحب said... new year started with me waking up covered in sweat and bruises too! Unfortunately I was also missing a kidney...